
Productivity starts with cleaning your workplace

08.08.2021 11:30 By Raido Kivikangur - Comment(s)

“If you wanna change the world, start off by making your bed”- W.H.McRaven

Just as the day starts with making your bed, productivity starts from an organized desk.

Did you know that an average office worker spends 76 hours per year looking for different emails, searching for digital and paper document...

Digging out from email overflow

08.08.2021 11:29 By Raido Kivikangur - Comment(s)

So, you´re developing a new habit to check your mailbox no more than 3-4 times a day. You have also turned off different mailbox notifications, but the volume of emails is still large. Is there anything else you can do?

Firstly, you´re not alone. Most people who use email on a daily basis have fel...

Aja planeerimine  13 head soovitust

08.08.2021 11:28 By Raido Kivikangur - Comment(s)

Kes meist poleks aeg-ajalt soovinud, et päevas oleks kasutada paar lisatundi? Kui tunned, et ülesandeid muudkui koguneb, ja märkad, et jääd aina sagedamini kauemaks tööle, et kohustustega toime tulla, siis on see lugu just sinu jaoks.

Kirjutasin ajakirjas Director, kuidas tulle toime pideva ajapuudus...

Igapäevaelu sportlane Raido Kivikangur: ärge mõelge sportimist enda jaoks liiga keeruliseks

02.12.2019 10:30 By Raido Kivikangur - Comment(s)

Ameerika kirjanik Denis Waitley on öelnud:" Time and health are two precious assets that we don´t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted."
Tegin hiljuti koostööd Ajakirjaga Sport, kus kirjutasin spordi rollist enda elus.

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Igapäevaelu sportlane Raido Kivikan...